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Current Issue: Debug #7

Once again packed with previews, reviews, features, and developer interviews across one hundred pages. We’ve got some BIG games for you this time!

Over 100 games covered. Mewgenics, Building Relationships, Morsels, Phonopolis, Fruitbus, Cat Quest 3, Dungeons of Hinterberg, Hollowbody, The Crimson Diamond, The Plucky Squire, and so many more.

  • Six-page cover feature written by former Game Informer editor Wesley LeBlanc, exploring The Binding of Isaac creator Edmund McMillen‘s new game Mewgenics.
  • Deputy Editor Dan Morris takes a look at Pico-8, the fantasy game console drawing in many indie devs with its simple specs β€” creativity thrives with limitations!
  • We’ve expanded our column section with three new writers β€” Wesley LeBlanc, Edd Coates, and Rosie Taylor. Also, check out the ongoing Game Dev Diaries of Nanuka: Secret of the Shattering Moon and Heir of the Dog. Why I Love… and Rising Stars return!
  • Meet our brand new staff writers β€” Autumn Wright, Ignas Vieversys, James Tocchio, Jupiter Hadley, Matthew Lundy, and Megan Bidmead. Get to know the whole team better inside the issue!

Available as a premium quality print version, or as a DRM-free digital PDF download. Looking to subscribe? We offer both physical and digital subscriptions.

Take a peak inside Debug #7 with our digital sampler. You can also download the PDF version.