The Philips CD-i has a… complicated legacy. Originally touted as the next step forward in information storage, delays and a lack of focus doomed it to mediocrity.
Nowadays, the CD-i is mostly remembered for its video games, in particular, the infamous licensed Zelda games. Whether it’s the nightmarish controls, off-putting cutscenes, or convoluted and unintuitive gameplay, these entries into the esteemed Zelda franchise — and the CD-i as a whole — are often meme fodder.
But, for better or worse, these two games are the legacy of the CD-i, and direct inspiration for Seedy Eye Software as they made Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore. However, in many ways, Arzette takes the oft-wonky charm of the OG games and irons out the kinks to make a lovely, smooth, and addictive experience for any fan of platformers or Metroidvania games.
Believe me, I wasn’t expecting to be won over by this game, but with well-designed levels, crisp controls, and outright fun bosses, pick this up if you feel even remotely curious. You won’t regret it!