
Debug #2


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Debug #2… Featuring eighty-four pages packed with previews, reviews, features, and developer interviews!

  • Over 100 games covered. Cocoon, Planet of Lana, C-Smash VRS, Neva, Harold Halibut, Sword of the Sea, Full Void, Hellscreen, and so many more.
  • Mammoth six-page cover feature on Cocoon, the latest game from Limbo and Inside‘s lead gameplayer designer Jeppe Carlsen. Including a sit down interview with Geometric Interactive co-founder Jakob Schmid and art director Erwin Kho, PLUS a separate Q&A with Jeppe!
  • The Falconeer developer Tomas Sala waxes lyrical about the upcoming Bulwark.
  • Richard Marsh – founder of Indiegameiacs – weighs in on the past, present, and future of indie games.
  • Full featured retro section looking at the latest indie games for legacy platforms, including Amiga, NES, Mega Drive, and Dreamcast.

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